
Welcome to the Health and Air Quality (HAQ) Lab website—I, Lucas Henneman, am an Environmental Engineer interested in how air quality and health are influenced by regulatory policies and climate change. I teach classes in air pollution, climate change, and environmental engineering systems. Take a look around and please don’t hesitate to reach out.

  • Environmental policy
  • Health effects of air quality interventions
  • Air pollution modeling
  • Regulatory accountability
  • Big data applications
  • PhD in Environmental Engineering, 2017

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • MS in Environmental Engineering, 2014

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • BS in Environmental Engineering, 2012

    Johns Hopkins University


Open eyes, clear skies, can't lose.
Open eyes, clear skies, can’t lose.

Our world is changing all the time. Some change is fast, some change is slow, and change looks different to different people. Wielded appropriately, this change can be an awesome tool for learning more about our environment and our health.

I’m most interested in changes in our air quality—air pollution causes millions of deaths each year world-wide. Many countries have implemented regulations to reduce this burden, and we can study these regulations using the Air Pollution Accountability Chain.

Air Pollution Accountability Chain
Air Pollution Accountability Chain

This framework describes how regulations impact emissions, air quality, personal dose/exposure, and ultimately public health. Though we can make measurements at each of these links, the relationships that are most informative for policymakers (blue portions of the arrows) are clouded by other factors (red portions).

I’m building a multi-disciplinary team that will advance research across the Air Pollution Accountability Chain. We’ll develop models and devise new techniques to create evidence for continued improvements in environmental policy at scales local to global. If you’re a prospective graduate student with strong analytical skills, please review my ongoing projects and recent papers and reach out.




Ting Zhang

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Dinesh Neupane

PhD Student


Hoda Hallaji

PhD Student


Munshi Md Rasel

PhD Student


Shreya Guha

PhD Student


Sumaiya Hussain

PhD Student


Xiaorong Shan

PhD Student


In the news

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